Mini Meetings

Mini Meetings - Because of COVID-19 restrictions, we have not been able to meet as a group as usual. We miss our gardening friends, so we came up with some socially distanced and responsible ways to get together.  Our mini meetings in the Fall and now the Spring have helped us spend time with our fellow Master Gardeners and learn something along the way.  

If you are a WCMGA member and you are interested in hosting a mini meeting, please let Holly Gardner or Linda Horton know.  It will need to be in an outdoor area and include a small educational element.  It can be as easy as walking through your garden and discussing what you have or how you have designed or implemented a planting, or even how the latest garden experiment failed.  Or, even a garden craft idea at a local park.  We are primarily trying to provide a opportunity for us to get together, share experiences, and maybe learn a bit along the way. We all miss our fellow Master Gardeners!!  Hosts will be able to count as volunteer hours and attendees will earn CEUs.   


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